Frederick, Frank, and DemetriusAshes into BeautyCrucible of Creativity Longing Can You Drink the Cup?The Walk HomeLifeSuch Great LoveSparrowInto the MysteryDancing in the Mystery Run Free I Have Branded You on the Palms of my Hands He Delights in You Come to MeHe Surrendered I Have Called You By NameThe People that Walked in Darkness has Seen a Great LightThe God Who Sees MeThe Healer’s HandsHe Looked and He Loved YouHe Looked and He LovedAbba’s MercyI Have LongedVictoryThe Almighty Has Done Great Things for MeOf Course I Want To!I Am Not Afraid. I Was Born to Do This.Dashing to His CrossShielded by Abba’s HeartDancing in the StormDancing on the WavesMaximilian KolbeJesus’ DelightI’m HerePraise HimJesus WeptConnecting with Little YeshuaCaptivatedEmbracing His CrossJoseph’s JoyThe Holy FamilyShield of FaithFormed by His Hand