New Art

Jesus and Mary’s Fun

One of my favorite themes is the relationship between Jesus and Mary. Probably because most of my life, I didn’t understand it very clearly. When reading Bible passages about them, I always saw them from such a distance, like robotic characters on a lifeless page. … Continue readingJesus and Mary’s Fun

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Home on the Range

One of the most special ways that my family spends time together is making music. When we’re home, we’ll each play a different instrument and we have great fun improvising, moving with the music, delightfully unexpected things happening in our playing. But we also like … Continue readingHome on the Range

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Dashing to His Cross

This was one of the most special commissions I’ve ever had. When I paint something, it’s very often something that was inspired in my prayer. What’s really neat is that a lot of people who ask me to paint something for them request an idea … Continue readingDashing to His Cross

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God’s Paint Strokes

When my siblings and I were little, my parents would often take us up to the hill behind our house to watch the sunset over the rolling hills. They would talk to us about how the colors in the sky were God’s paint strokes. That … Continue readingGod’s Paint Strokes

Shielded by Abba’s Heart

For awhile I’ve been learning and discovering more about spiritual warfare. Especially since we began doing ministry together, my husband and I have experienced spiritual attack in a greatly increased intensity. The Bible has quite a bit to say about spiritual warfare, and people throughout … Continue readingShielded by Abba’s Heart

Abba’s Heart

For a long time I have related to God as my father, as my Abba. But only recently has He been teaching me to be His daughter and to live in His heart. Painting something helps me to let it sink deeper into my heart, … Continue readingAbba’s Heart

Jesus’ Great Love

What struck me watching The Passion this year was Yeshua’s relationship with His mother. Of course I always knew Yeshua and Mary were close, but what that means never hit me before. In the scene at their home in which Yeshua is building the table, … Continue readingJesus’ Great Love

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Calling Out Your Name

There’s a Rich Mullins song with the lyrics: “In the east the whole horizon is in flamesI feel the thunder in the skyI see the sky about to rainAnd I hear the prairies calling out Your name.” Last year, on my family’s annual trip out … Continue readingCalling Out Your Name

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