The Last Supper by Valentin de Boulogne

This painting of the Last Supper is one of the most well-known.  Its artist, Valentin de Boulogne, painted within it an intimate moment between Jesus and the apostle John, as John leans in to be close to his friend and master.  The rest of the apostles also draw near, paying Jesus close attention as he speaks to them and spends what is among his last moments with them.  The precious scene is tainted, however, by Judas, who conceals his sack of silver on the left side of the painting.

Valentin de Boulogne was born on January 3, 1591 in France.  He was inspired by Caravaggio in style and subject matter, painting tavern scenes and religious imagery with a striking focus on the characters, aided by a strong contrast between light and shadow.

Below are shown  Martyrdom of St Processus and St Martinian and Christ and the Adulteress.

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